Tuesday, December 27, 2005

14 Days till Dylan's arrival

We are finally succumbing to the pressure and convenience of the blog...... with
Dylan's imminent arrival, this will be the fastest way to share the experience and pics with all our homies.

Pregnancy is going. Some of you might not believe me but trust me, I am huge at this point. My belly is about to pop. The side view is most impressive. Everyone asks if I have had weird cravings and I really didn't until now.....not weird but sweet cravings; cookies, chocolate, cake anything sweet and fattening which is probably why I've ballooned a whooping 28 lbs! Nothing is fitting now but I only got 2 weeks left to go so I can't do that much damage. Dylan kicks, turns, hiccups and loves to party when I go to bed! I think he wants out ASAP.

Hope everyone had a memorable holiday..... we weren't very festive this year and even skipped out on sending the group ecard. It's just been too busy, considering. My parents decided to come up for a last minute, short visit so for Xmas Eve, we went to my relative's annual Xmas dinner party. Then for Xmas day, we had lunch at Hunan Chilli with both parents, Harry (Dave's brother), and Vivian (relative) in Mountain View. Pretty low key this year!

If you wanna see more pics of the pregnancy go here!

peace out. jen and david.

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