Friday, April 17, 2009

Jared's Home

Jared came home on Sunday April 12th. We've been late in posting the news because of course it's been too crazy to sit at a computer for any length of time (twitter is superior to blogging in this regard - I've been tweeting progress reports the whole time). First couple days we're not bad and we thought we were heading toward having a good system. The last couple of days have been rough because the twins are constipated / gassy / refluxish and grunt or cry pretty much all night - chaos. Everyone is cranky - so if you call and we bark please excuse us :)


jude said...

Yay everyone is home now!!! We're so happy for you guys.

sleazysleep said...

YAYYYYY, so happy for you guys. Look at lil Dylan cheesin', cute! What's your twitter ID?