Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Quick Update

What's the latest and greatest with the twins?

These days the boys have just been busy feeding and growing!  They have 1 feed every 3 hrs (8 total) each day.  Beginning today, we will up their breastfeeds from 1 to 2 times a day.  In addition to the breast, they are getting 1 bottle a night and the other 5 feeds are still through the feeding tube.  This means I am now going to the hospital twice a day and spending lots of quality time(4 hours a day) with them.

Jared weighs 3lbs, 11oz and Blake weighs 3lbs, 13oz as of yesterday!  They also had baths the other day and their hair was nice, clean and fluffy like little chicks!  The nurses were nice enough to take pics, so cute.... I'll have to post them later tonight.

The boys will have eye exams on Monday.

I took my mom for a quick visit yesterday before her flight home around 5pm.  When I returned at 10pm for their feeds, Jared's nurse informed me that Jared woke up shortly after I left at 5:30pm and hadn't gone back to sleep.  It was quite a long time for a preemie to be awake.  She said he's a smartie.... he knew what he wanted which was to be held and rocked and figured out how to get it!  Uh-oh.  

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