Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Two Peas in a Pod

The twins are finally back together....last night they were moved into an open-air bed and are now co-bedding. All their official cribs are being used so they put us in a makeshift crib and we will wait for the next available one. They look so cute together!! I know they will encourage each other and keep each other company for the rest of their time in the NICU.

We weighed Jared for the first time today before and after his recreational breastfeeding session. He's usually the bigger eater so we wanted to see how much he is actually getting. Today he drank 7ml from me. They said that was a great job!! Go Jared!!

Last night they also took out both of the twins' nasal canulas. Blake is doing great without but Jared still needed just a bit so they put his back in this morning.

1 comment:

sleazysleep said...

Yay! They are adorable, Jen!